rb_warn1L 15411 ext/ripper/ripper.c rb_warn1L(nd_line(node), "possibly useless use of %s in void context", WARN_S(useless)); rb_warn1L 16077 ext/ripper/ripper.c rb_warn1L((int)u[i], "assigned but unused variable - %"PRIsWARN, rb_id2str(v[i])); rb_warn1L 9662 ext/ripper/ripper.y rb_warn1L(nd_line(node), "possibly useless use of %s in void context", WARN_S(useless)); rb_warn1L 10328 ext/ripper/ripper.y rb_warn1L((int)u[i], "assigned but unused variable - %"PRIsWARN, rb_id2str(v[i])); rb_warn1L 15335 parse.c rb_warn1L(nd_line(node), "possibly useless use of %s in void context", WARN_S(useless)); rb_warn1L 16001 parse.c rb_warn1L((int)u[i], "assigned but unused variable - %"PRIsWARN, rb_id2str(v[i])); rb_warn1L 9662 parse.y rb_warn1L(nd_line(node), "possibly useless use of %s in void context", WARN_S(useless)); rb_warn1L 10328 parse.y rb_warn1L((int)u[i], "assigned but unused variable - %"PRIsWARN, rb_id2str(v[i]));